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Current Students
Ph.D. students

Early evolution and crustal reworking history of the Superior Craton
(co-supervised by H. Rizo – Carleton University)
M.Sc. students
B.Sc. students
Metamorphism of the Hamilton Sound Group, northeast-central Newfoundland: implications for the tectonic evolution of Orogenic gold-bearing terrane
Alexandre Rouleau
182W and 142Nd isotopic composition of Saglek-Hebron (Northern Labrador) mafic and ultramafic rocks
Dan Stepner
Arielle Oeur
Victor Garcia (PhD - 2024)
Sarah Mount (MSc - 2022)
Andréane Mitchell-Dupuis (MSc - 2021)
Christian Sole (MSc – 2020)
Ayesha Landon-Browne (MSc – 2019)
Benjamin Wasilewski (PhD – 2019)
Janick Flageole (MSc – 2019)
Dan Stepner (MSc – 2017)
Hanika Rizo
Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University
Ilya Bindeman
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oregon
Richard Palin
Earth Sciences, University of Oxford
Annie Bauer
Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Richard W. Carlson
Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Science
Dominic Papineau
University College London
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